Poems on Wonder:
By "wonder" I mean that which we wonder about, and the wonder that is an amazement of things.? These poems are those which "wonder" about and are in "wonder" of life.
Art Work
As A Mystic
Being In A Situation
Borrowed Wisdom
Candle Light
Dear Tyson
Descent of Winter
The Little Leaf
The Little Light
The Park
The Other Me
Poems on Love:
Many of these are older poems.? Yet all are dealing with love.? Whether it is the love unattained, the love lost, or the love that is present, these poems are the words that describe it.
Forever Together
I Live I Die
I Wished
I Won't Give Up
Lovely Face
Loving You
My Love In You
Ode To Love
Such Unease
The Light On You
Untitled I
Untitled II
NEW ? Untitled V
Upon Thy Abscence
What You Mean To Me
What's Going On?
NEW ? Yearning
You Make Me Feel
Poems on Hate:
Many young people in the world have a dark side to their personalities.? This seems particularly prevalent between the ages of 14 and 20, or at least it was for me.? These poems may be disturbing to some, though they were an appropriate outlet for me at the time.
Four Depressed Poems
Ich Habe
Journey Of The Cloaked Ones
My Life
The Poetry Reading
Untitled III
Untitled IV
Poems of Other Writers:
As any writer, I too am inspired by the works of my contemporaries and those who came before me.? These are selected works by authors I admire.
I Said To Poetry (Alice Walker)
The Tale of Tinúviel (J.R.R. Tolkien)
NEW ? True Love (Wis?awa Szymborska)