main visual writing board - coming soon!  






Lovely Face

The ice was scarred
by all the skaters then
with jags and cuts
all over its surface
I made my way carefully
onto its cold body

The blood rushed
through my veins
as I maneuvered
on these unstable
metal blades beneath
me I slowly began
to feel more in control

I skated a little
faster as I became
more daring
One two three
laps around the
arena I felt more

I then rested on
the bench looking
at all the other
people some better
some worse at
skating than me

Sitting there I
noticed a woman
slowly floating
over the ice
the way I started
And in that moment
I felt very much
attracted to her

She had that
certain spark
in her eye that
glow in her face
which made
me smile as I
looked at her

I wanted to
talk to her I
wished we
could skate in
our insecurity

As she came
around the rink
I tried to make
eye contact
but I was

She had a very
lovely face I
though but ere
I knew it the
time was up
and I had to
go home