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Journey Of The Cloaked Ones

The dark forest road
Lays ahead, sinister and foul,
As an inverse of the moat.
At the edge glow eyes of owls.
Step ashore there from the boat,
Cloaked strangers tread the path,
Only seen by creatures’ gloat,
Vanishing is shadow’s wrath.

Underneath the canopy,
The impermeable sheet,
Dense beyond all imagery,
Tread the cloaked strangers feet.
Peril dwells hind every tree
As the hooded ones make speed.
No end awaits them readily,
And no morning light to greet.

Yet the forest road goes on,
Ever dark the winding way.
No one knowing where they’ve gone,
No one left for them to pray.
And no hearts now shall be won,
For they took all life away.
When they left they seized the sun
Into darkness far astray.

Thus it still remains unknown
Whether ever they’ll return.
As the falling leaves are strewn
Across the road where no lights burn,
So the strangers with no home
Tread the paths with faces stern.
But where now the cloaked ones roam,
We perchance shall never learn.