
Yoko wall by boogybro [link]

Since there might be one person out there who's wondering why there haven't been any new posts these days, I thought I should say something to that extent. After our big trip to Poland, which was long and incredible, we came back to a bit of a frenzy of activity.

Barely a week back in the states and we had Animazement '08 to go to. That also took a lot of energy, and after all that traveling and excitement I've been wanting to shut myself away from the world for a while.

Even though we've been expending some effort in order to get the house straightened up, with some furniture building and various little things that we didn't have time to do since moving in not so long ago, there's been a good bit of R&R as well. Watched most of Saiyuki now, about half-way though Gurren Lagann, and playing FFVII of all things.

Also, our anniversary came up last week, and Nikki got the new Dr. Mario Online Rx (WiiWare) which she's been playing pretty incessantly. A really well spent $10 there! So, in the meantime I'm trying to get through sorting and uploading the 2,400+ photos I took in Poland. When that's done, and reduced to a reasonable number of good shots, I'll be posting it to be sure.

Until then, sorry about the hiatus, and I hope that my motivation will return ere long. Thanks for keeping an eye on this blog, if in fact anyone out there does. Otherwise I'm talking to the proverbial wall. In which case, thanks wall, at least I can always count on you...

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