This year's Animazement convention has come and gone, and with it our trip thereto. I'm certainly glad that went, and many lessons have been learned. I know we didn't get the full experience of the con, but we still had a lot of fun there.
Resolutions for next year are topped by our intention to be in the artist's alley. Second to that is cosplay. After that I'd like to brush up on my game skillz in order to enter one or more competitions. That's not a huge list, but we'll probably have to get started on it soon in order to achieve these goals in time.
I have written a full report of our experiences, and I hope that you'll read it. Yet I doubt that many of you will read the whole thing, so I am offering this post as a table of contents. This way you can read about whatever interests you the most.
Animazement '07:
If you went to Animazement this year, we'd love to get your feedback. If you didn't we'd still like your feedback. We will endeavor to make it out to "the triangle" again this year. Definitely don't want to wait as long as next year's con.
Biggest thanks go out to Joe and Misty for putting us up over that weekend. Hopefully next year Joe won't have to work as much, and Misty won't get ill either (we hope very much that you are all better now Misty!). So thanks a million to both of you, and I'll be practicing my Guitar Hero skillz for our next get-together.