Brave Battling Barista Nookoo Nookoo...

Once more, I go into the loop of the everyday and happily employed average shmuck. I do hope that my new job will be a good one, and that it will be something I can do until Michal and I move to Plan B: Travelocity. Once I complete training, I will be a un grande Barista, at least as much as an American chickie can be. Woohoo. This may have consequences that I cannot begin to foresee, e.i. an extreme addiction to caffeine, lactose intolerance, and some other lovely things that involve my digestive system, but what the hell... Now I know how to foam milk, and some other stuff too! Hehehe. On one hand, I have never worked as a waitress or in a kitchen before, and I am nervous...on the other hand, I'm looking forward to learning new things.

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