On Friday, May 29, I opened my new exhibition called [peripheral/interface]. As previously posted, the show consists of five new paintings combined with found object 3D elements. For a better idea of what that means, just watch the video above. Images of the work are also available on my website.

The week of the opening I was very fortunate to receive some really good press for the exhibition. Local author Joel Finsel wrote the article for the StarNews which came out on Thursday, May 28. You can read it either by clicking the image of the article or on the StarNewsOnline website here. The article goes into detail with descriptions of the pieces in the show and provides some commentary of the messages within these works. Overall, Finsel did an excellent job in providing a sense of what these works are about with clear accounts of their appearance and insightful interpretations.

Another article to have come out on Wednesday of that week was printed in Wilmington's favorite indie rag Encore. Lauren Hodges writes Encore's art section each week with enthusiasm for the local art scene and this time was no exception. I am very grateful for Hodge's effort to stir up some excitement for my new work with comments like "provocative and moving." You can read the Encore article by clicking the image above or on their website here.
The exhibition is located at The Artbox gallery on the second floor of The Soapbox (map). It will be on display until June 21. I will keep the space open on Fridays and Saturdays until that date from 7 - 10 pm. Come see me so I don't get too lonely!
My next step will be to try and generate some more interest for this body of work in other cities. I will be sending materials out to a few galleries here and there. If you know of anyone who might be interested in exhibiting this show outside of Wilmington, please let me know. I think it has the potential to get much more exposure if I can get it into a more metropolitan area.